Amps to HP Conversion Calculator [Formula for DC, AC Single, and 3 Phase Amperes to Horsepower]

Amps to HP conversion calculator is a useful tool that can be used to convert Amps to HP in DC circuits, Single phase, and three-phase AC circuits.

List of Contents

Amps to HP Calculator

Amps to HP Conversion Formulas

  1. DC Amps to HP: HP = (E * I * %EFF)/746
  2. AC Single-phase Amps to HP: HP = (E * I * %EFF * PF) / 746
  3. AC Three-phase Amps to HP: HP = (1.73 * E * I * %EFF * PF) / 746

where HP = Horsepower

E = Voltage

I = Amps

%Eff = Percentage Efficiency

PF = Power factor (In AC Circuits only)

Solved Examples with Calculations

Amps to HP in DC Circuits

A 12-volt dc motor having an efficiency rating of 94% draws a current of 4 amperes. Convert DC Amps to HP


HP = (E * I * %EFF)/746

= (12 * 4 * 0.94)/746

= 0.0604 HP

AC Single Phase Amps to HP

A 115-volt single-phase AC Motor having power factor 90% has an efficiency rating of 93%. Having amps to be 4 A. Convert AC single phase amps to HP


HP = (E * I * %EFF * PF) / 746

= (115 * 4 * 0.93 * 0.9) / 746

= 0.516 HP

Values that are closer to 0.5 HP can be written as 1/2 HP

AC Three phase Amps to HP

A three phase 400 volt motor having power factor 80% and efficiency rating of 95% draws a current of 25 Amps.Convert AC three phase Amps to HP.


HP = (1.73 * E * I * %EFF * PF) / 746

= (1.73 * 400 * 25 * 0.95 * 0.8)/746

= 17.62 HP

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