Amps to Watts Formula Conversion calculator is used to calculate watts from the known value of current and either resistance or voltage.
To convert Amps to Watts:
- Either Current and Resistance should be known (Use P = I2R)
- OR Current and Voltage should be known (Use P = VI)
Power (P) = Current(I)2 * Resistance (R)
Power (P) = Voltage (V) * Current (I)
To Calculate Watts from Amps and Ohms
Example: Find the power dissipated by 1 kΩ resistor when 10 mA current flows through it.
Solution: P = I2R = (10 mA)2 * 1 kΩ = 0.1 W
How to use the calculator
Step 1: Check the boxes beside Ohms and Amps
Step 2: Enter the resistance in the box located next to the ohms. Choose kilo-ohms from the prefix selector.
Step 3: Enter the current in the amps box. Choose prefix milli-amps (mA)
Hit solve button.

To Calculate Watts from Amps and Volts
Example: Find the power dissipated by a resistor that has 2 Amps current passing through it while dropping 10 volts across it.
Solution: P = V*I = 10 * 2 = 20 Watts
How to use the calculator
Step 1: Check the boxes beside amps and volts
Step 2: Enter voltage in box located next to volts
Step 3: Enter current in amps box.
Hit solve button

So that was all about Amps to Watts Formula Conversion.