Watts to kWh Conversion Calculator [With Formulas and Equations]

watts to kWh conversion calculator is used to find kilowatt-hours or kWh from known power watts.

List of Contents

Watts to kWh Calculator

Watts to kWh Formula from Seconds, Minutes and Hours

Solved Examples for watts to kilowatt-hours conversion

Example 1: Find energy used in kWh by 10 watt LED during time duration of 4 hours.

Solution: kWh = watts * time / 1000 = 10 * 4 / 1000 = 0.04 kWh

Example 2: Find power consumed by 2200 watts Heater used for 30 minutes.


Here time is in minutes. So time in hours = 30/60 = 0.5

kWh = watts * time/1000 = 2200*0.5/1000 = 1.1 kWh

Example 3: Find the power consumed by 5000 watt amplifier during 300 seconds.

Solution: Here time is in seconds. So time in hours = 300/3600 = 0.0833 hours

kWh = 5000 * 0.0833 / 1000 = 0.416 kWh

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